
Moscow canal lock  On board Viking Akun Moscow canal lock  On board Viking Akun Moscow port  On board Viking Akun Moscow port building
Moscow port Mayakovsky metro station ceiling mosaic Mayakovsky metro station ceiling mosaic Mayakovsky metro station  Rhodonite used here
Mayakovsky metro station  Rhodonite in columns and mosaics in ceiling Mayakovsky metro station ceiling mosaic Teatralnaya metro station, Moscow  Station for the Bolshoi and Maly theatres. Teatralnaya metro station, Moscow  Station for the Bolshoi and Maly theatres. The dancing figures and musicians, wearing traditional costumes, represent seven of the Soviet republics.
Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro station, Moscow  Bronze sculptures by Matvey Manizer depicting the people of the Soviet Union. Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro station, Moscow  Bronze sculptures by Matvey Manizer depicting the people of the Soviet Union. Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro station, Moscow  Craig is rubbing the dog's nose for good luck : Craig Stenson Originally Moscow Duma  Built in 1892 for Moscow Duma. Was Lenin museum.  Now Patriotic War of 1812 museum.
Anna in front of State Historical Museum, Moscow  Built in 1883 : Anna Stenson GUM department store, Moscow  Actually an indoor shopping mall State Historical Museum, Moscow  Built in 1883 State Historical Museum, Moscow  Built in 1883
Craig in Red Square, Moscow : Craig Stenson Lenin's tomb, Red Square, Moscow Graves of dead leaders St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow  Originally completed in 1560. To the left is a statue commemorating Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the butcher Kuzma Minin, the leaders of the militia that repelled the Polish invasion of 1612.  Erected in 1818.
Stenson family at St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson, Gary Stenson, Rita Stenson, Craig Stenson Anna and Kevin at St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson Anna in GUM Department Store, Moscow : Anna Stenson Kazan Cathedral, Moscow  1993 replica of a destroyed 1600s Russian Orthodox church
Red Square, Moscow Bolshoi Theatre Anna in Manege Square, Moscow : Anna Stenson State Historical Museum, Moscow  Museum built in 1883.  Monument to Gregory Zhukov.
Four Seasons Hotel, Moscow  Architect submitted two designs to Stalin.  They both came back approved so they built both, resulting in different styles on left and right. Kremlin wall and obelisk, Moscow  Faux ruined grotto created in 1841 to commemorate victories over Napolean.  Obelisk originally created in 1914 to celebrate Romanov dynasty and changed in 1920 by Lenin with names of 19 socialist and communist philosophers and political leaders. Plaque on Kremlin wall, Moscow Russian State Library  Neo-classical building from 1862.
Kremlin, Moscow Moscow skyline Business district of Moscow Moscow State University
Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva
Moscow2017-45 Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva
Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva
Russian Folk Orchestra Moskva Lounge singer on Viking Akun Belorusskaya train station Hawk in Alexander Garden
Hawks and pigeons in Alexander Garden Troitskaya Tower of the Kremlin  Built 1495-1499 Troitskaya Tower or the Kremlin  Built 1495-1499 Kutafya tower of the Kremlin : Anna Stenson
The Poteshny Palace , Kremlin The State Kremlin Palace  Construction began in 1961 The State Kremlin Palace  Construction began in 1961 Troitskaya Tower of the Kremlin  Built 1495-1499
The Arsenal with cannons in The Kremlin  Originally completed in 1736 Anna in Sobornaya Square of the Kremlin  Archangel Cathedral (left) and Assumption Cathedral (right). : Anna Stenson Assumption Cathedral, Kremlin  Built in 1479 Archangel Cathedral (left) and Cathedral of the Annunciation (right), Kremlin
Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles, Kremlin  Begun in 1640 and part of the Patriarch's Palace. Archangel Cathedral, Kremlin  Built in 1508. Church of the Nativity (left) and Church of the Deposition of the Robe (right) Ivan the Great Bell Tower and Assumption Bellfry, Kremlin  Bell tower is 266 feet high and was built in 1329.  The bellfry was built between 1532 and 1543.
Faceted Chamber (left) and Assumption Cathedral (right) Cathedral of the Annunciation, Kremlin  Completed in 1489. The Great Kremlin Palace (left) and Cathedral of the Annunciation (right)  Great Kremlin Palace built in 1849. Senate Building (left) and Spasskaya Tower (right)
Archangel Cathedral (left) and Ivan the Great Belltower (right) Craig and the Tsar Bell, Kremlin : Craig Stenson Tsar Bell, Kremlin  Never rung Craig and Tsar Cannon, Kremlin : Craig Stenson
Tsar Cannon, Kremlin  Never been fired Anna and a guard at Troitskaya Tower, Kremlin : Anna Stenson Tomb of the Unknown Soldier changing of the guard Tomb of the Unknown Soldier changing of the guard
Craig enjoying lunch on Red Square : Craig Stenson Red Square, Moscow Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Alexander Garden Cathedral of Christ the Savior  Originally finished in 1883.  Demolished in 1931 and then used an outdoor swimming pool.  Recreated with modern materials in 2000.
Cathedral of Christ the Savior and The Kremlin Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral Craig and Church of the Martyr Barbara, Moscow : Craig Stenson Taking a break in a restaurant : Gary Stenson, Rita Stenson
Interesting restaurant Stenson family at interesting restaurant : Anna Stenson, Gary Stenson, Rita Stenson, Craig Stenson Stenson family at interesting restaurant : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson, Gary Stenson, Rita Stenson Craig and Anna leaving the restaurant : Anna Stenson, Craig Stenson
Moscow Moscow Sign for Sakharov museum Garden by Sakharov museum
Great dinner at Cafe Pushkin : Gary Stenson, Craig Stenson Craig pouring wine at Cafe Pushkin : Craig Stenson Across the Volga river from our boat Triumphal arch near Victory Park, Moscow  Built in 1960s based on the original that was built in 1830s to commemorate Russian victory over Napolean
Victory Park, Moscow Anna and Kevin in Victory Park, Moscow : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson Obelisk of Victory and Great Patriotic War Museum  Obelisk of Victory by Zurab Tsereteli is 141.8 meters high and was installed in 1995. A 25-ton bronze statue of the goddess of victory Nike and figures of angels trumpeting the glory of Russian arms is mounted near the top. Sculpture of Nike on the Obelisk of Victory  A 25-ton bronze statue of the goddess of victory Nike and figures of angels trumpeting the glory of Russian arms is mounted near the top.
Obelisk of Victory  Obelisk of Victory by Zurab Tsereteli is 141.8 meters high and was installed in 1995. A 25-ton bronze statue of the goddess of victory Nike and figures of angels trumpeting the glory of Russian arms is mounted near the top. Obelisk of Victory  St. George spearing a dragon Craig and Anna outside Great Patriotic War Museum  Next to 122 mm gun Hall of Commanders, Great Patriotic War Museum  Preparing for some graduation
Great Patriotic War Museum  Area of museum commending the Chinese contribution to defeating facism. Harley-Davidson Liberator motorcycle  in Great Patriotic War Museum, Moscow Hall of Remembrance and Sorrow, Great Patriotic War Museum  Glass beads represent tear drops Diorama of Battle of Kursk, Great Patriotic War Museum
Diorama of Berlin, Great Patriotic War Museum Grieving Mother, Hall of Remembrance and Sorrow  Great Patriotic War Museum. Glass beads represent tear drops Great Patriotic War Museum Great Patriotic War Museum
Great Patriotic War Museum Video in Hall of Glory, Great Patriotic War Museum Video in Hall of Glory, Great Patriotic War Museum  Video describing Great Patriotic War.  Seems to be produced by a video game developer. Video in Hall of Glory, Great Patriotic War Museum  Video describing Great Patriotic War.  Seems to be produced by a video game developer.
Ceiling of Hall of Glory, Great Patriotic War Museum Soldier of Victory, Hall of Glory, Great Patriotic War Museum Soldier of Victory, Hall of Glory, Great Patriotic War Museum Hall of Glory, Great Patriotic War Museum
Hall of Glory, Great Patriotic War Museum  Names of the Heroes of the Soviet Union. Hall of Commanders, Great Patriotic War Museum Victory Park, Moscow Victory Park, Moscow
Victory Park, Moscow Victory Park, Moscow Victory Park, Moscow Victory Park, Moscow
Flower clock, Victory Park, Moscow One of longest escalators in world, Park Pobedy metro station  126 meters long, taking nearly 3 minutes. Arbatskaya metro station, Moscow Novodevichy Convent, Moscow
Inside Novodevichy Convent, Moscow Problems painting children, Novodevichy Convent, Moscow Icon, Novodevichy Convent, Moscow Novodevichy Convent, Moscow
Anna at Novodevichy Convent, Moscow : Anna Stenson Novodevichy Convent, Moscow Novodevichy Convent, Moscow Novodevichy Convent, Moscow
Novodevichy Convent, Moscow Raisa Maximovna Gorbacheva, Novodevichy Cemetery  Wife of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev Vitaly Ivanovich Popkov in Novodevichy Cemetery  Popkov was a Soviet fighter pilot in WWII credited with 41 victories and a two-time Hero of the Soviet Union. Novodevichy Cemetery  From left to right: Igor' Sergeevich Shevchuk was Tupolev general designer;  Mikhail Petrovich Simonov was aircraft designer at Sukhoi, responsible for Su-27; Viktor Georgiyevich Kulikov served in WWII and rose to the highest rank of Marshall of the Soviet Union and was the Warsaw Pact commander-in-chief 1977-89; Boris Evseyevich Chertok was a rocket designer for Soviet space program responsible for control systems, eventually becoming deputy chief designer.
Vladimir Igorevich Arnold, Novodevichy Cemetery  Mathematician.  Best known for Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem.  Solved Hilbert's 13th problem at age 19. Dmitry Sergeevich Markov, Novodevichy Cemetery  Chief aircraft designer for Tupolev.  Headed design of Tu-16 and successors, including world's first successful commercial jet (Tu-104). Feodor Ivanovich Chaliapin, Novodevichy Cemetery  Opera singer (bass) Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, Novodevichy Cemetery  Mineralogist and geochemist.  One of the founders of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and radiogeology.
Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin, Novodevichy Cemetery  Actor and clown Boris Yeltsin, Novodevichy Cemetery  President of Russia from 1991-1999. Ivan Georgievich Petrovsky, Novodevichy Cemetery  Mathematician working on partial differential equations.  Contributed to solving Hilbert's 19th and 16th problems and discovered Petrovsky lacunas. Nikita Khrushchev, Novodevichy Cemetery  Succeeded Stalin.  Was General Secretary from 1953 to 1964.
Georgi Spiridonovich Kariofilli, Novodevichy Cemetery  Colonel-General of Artillery.  Wife was Tamara Andreevna Kariofilli. Locked up caviar Sunset from boat in Moscow Moscow business district
Interesting Pringles flavor at Moscow airport